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  • Writer's pictureAnne-Elizabeth Northan

7th Grade Week 1- Antebellum Review

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

Welcome to Week 1-

Must Do:

1.) Complete at least one unique post in the padlet. Include your full name with your post.

2.) Complete the journal entry provided bellow.

3.) Watch the two PBS videos and answer the attached questions. Be prepared for Friday Discussion on this topic.

Can Do: Accessible in the Resources- 7th Grade Week 1 Tab

Map Activity

Research Immigrants and Northern Economy during the antebellum period, summarize findings and provide a link.

Slavery in the South handout

Reading of the Week

AR Questions

Must Do #1: Please add a comment to the padlet by choosing a category, Clicking "add a comment at the very bottom, and posting something that we have learned about that topic.

Please respond via email if you were unable to access so I can provide an alternative activity. This is worth points, so please make sure you check in if you are having trouble so that you can get the points.

Must Do #2- Journal Prompt

Welcome to Flipgrid! Tap the green plus below to open the Flipgrid Camera. Then, record a short video and... 👋 Say Hello Share your 1/2 page written response to the following journal prompt: Life is different during this virus.  How are you doing/feeling about things?  What lessons could you learn from "The Shark and the Goldfish" to help you through this time?

Please use the Flipgrid bellow to post your journal response. If you have trouble please let me know so you can send me an email with your response in writing.

Must Do #3: PBS Videos and response.

We did watch these videos in class last Friday, but I think we could use this review to really get our minds going again after our break. Please watch the videos and then respond to the questions bellow. Email me your responses please and put your first initial followed by PBS Video Response in the subject line. (If I were doing this my email subject line would look like this: ANorthan PBS Video Response) We will have a discussion on these on Friday either through Zoom or a typing platform, please be prepared to read your responses for credit.

Please Access the Videos Here:

Questions from the video: You can also access an editable document in the Resources tab under 7th Grade Week 1 or you can copy and paste these into your own document. There is a minimum of four sentences per question. Make sure you answer all parts of the question in order to receive full credit. Please email your responses to me.

1. By the 1800s, the country was deeply divided. Describe the fears that Southerners and Northerners faced. How did the country’s expansion west threaten to upset the delicate balance of power between slave and free states?

2. Lincoln described the United States as a “house divided.” Discuss what he meant by this and how the country was at odds over the economic base of the South and the principles of the nation.

3. Why do you think President-elect Lincoln felt so strongly about preserving the Union? Conversely, why might Southerners have believed that secession was justified?


Can Do Items are self lead, so make sure, if you choose to do one of these, that you ask questions about things that you are confused about. I am here for you and I LOVE history questions!

All Can do items can be accessed via the "Resources" Tab Under 7th Grade Week 1. Once you open that folder there will be a "CAN Do" Folder; use this to access Can do Worksheets.

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